It seems that the system has been treating some youth international players as though they were full international players, these are the ones that have more than 25 youth caps. So any youth internationals with more than 25 total caps have been treated as though they had at least one full cap, so these guys have been upgraded to a 95cr instead of a 94cr. Now this shouldn't be a problem for a youth player as they are pretty happy until they turn 22. When they turn 22 they may start causing you a few headaches if they are not playing and not at an academy and you may want me to downgrade them back to 94cr where they should be. If you have players like this then send me a list and I will down rate them back to where they should be. If you prefer them at the higher rating ( and i'm guessing most would ) then feel free to keep them at that rating, it just means they will be able to gain a few extra skills during training because they are closer to their full potential and you'll need to manage the fallout if they are not playing.
I've resolved this issue in the code base now and it shouldn't happen until the next time.